Dental Insurance Plans

Have you ever been in the dentist office and asked yourself,  “How am I going to pay for this?”   If you have, then you are not alone.  That is  why it’s so important to invest in your oral health.  You should consider signing up for one of the Dental Insurance Plans available in your area. You could save up to 60%  or more on dental services, depending on which plan you choose.

I Need Dental Insurance?

Well, anyone who has teeth does.   So far that is about 99% of the humans living on the planet.  If you live here among the human race,  then I ask you, why Dental Insurance Planshaven’t you bought dental insurance yet for yourself and family.  Realize that sooner or later you are going to need dental work, and believe me, it isn’t cheap.

Consider the following.  In 2016, the average cost of a dentist visit with cleaning was $198.  Do that twice a year and you have an out of pocket cost of $396.

Many good basic  Dental insurance plans cost around $30 per month and pay 100% of this.   Add to that the fact that you are getting other services that at a reduced price at a minimum and partially to fully paid for on top.

How Does Dental Insurance Work

Dental insurance works very much like your health insurance works.  Simply put, for a specific monthly rate(or “premium”), you are entitled to certain dental benefits.  These usually include regular checkups, cleanings, x-rays, and certain services required to promote general dental health. Depending upon your plan, they may provide broader coverage than others do.  Some dental Insurance plans may require a greater financial contribution on your part when services are rendered.  There are plans that include coverage for certain types of oral surgery, dental implants, or orthodontia.

Types Of Dental Insurance

Again, much like your health insurance plans,  dental insurance plans are often categorized as either Indemnity or managed-care plans.

Typically when you have an Indemnity plan, it will offer a broader selection of dental care providers than managed-care plans.  With an indemnity plan, the carrier pays for covered services only after it receives a bill.  This typically means that you may have to pay up front and then obtain reimbursement from your insurance carrier later.

When reviewing managed-care plans, these dental insurance plans typically maintain dental provider networks.  A dentist that is participating in a network agree to perform services for patients at a pre-negotiated rate.  The dentist office will usually submit the claim to the dental insurance company for you.  The thought here is that, in general, you’ll have less paperwork and lower out-of-pocket costs with a managed-care dental plan and a broader choice of dentists with an Indemnity plan.

For more information, the American Dental Association has a complete list of all the different types of Dental Insurance Plans.

Dental Insurance Advice

We really considered the best way to do this.  I mean, I want to try and give you the best advice out there.  Unfortunately, each of you are different.  This is how we decided to present the information.

dental insurance plans(1)  We would provide the information about each Dental Insurance Plan to you by the company.  This includes our opinions of the Dental Insurance Plan as well as the company itself.  What  good is having insurance if the company doesn’t pay.

(2) We would review the available Dental Insurance Plans by each state it is offered in.  This is important as state laws vary causing the plans to vary.

(3) Review the Dental Insurance Plans by demographic.  The needs of a family are different than the needs of an individual or a senior.

(4) Look at the Dental Insurance Plans in regards to specific dental health issues.  Remember, not all plans are the same.

Dental Insurance Plans For You

One of the things that I feel strongly about is trying to give you the proper information.  If you would like an email or a phone call from myself to discuss specific advice concerning any dental plan, feel free to do so by with our contact us form.  Please include your state in the remarks section.  If you want us to call please include a phone number as well.